7 Days After Mobilegeddon– Everything you should know about Google’s Mobile Friendly Update

Google Mobile Update Takeaways

So here we are, again dancing on the Google tunes and making web a better place! Many have just recovered from the wrath of Google Panda and Penguin and it seems the era of Mobilegeddon has begun. As per the declaration by google it started the roll-out on 21st April 2015. It has been 7 days since the update has started its effect on the global SERP’s and websites.

The Google Mobile Friendly Update aka Mobilegeddon Facts:

  • It started on 21st April 2015
  • It affects the website ranking on mobile searches only (tablets search are not affected)
  • You can google your website name and check out for the “Mobile Friendly” label in your listing
  • You can check your website mobile score via mobile friendly testing tool by Google.
  • It is not a site wide update, it’s done on a page-by-page basis. So even if your website contains some non-mobile friendly pages the mobile friendly pages will be rewarded.
  • Unlike other updates Mobile Friendly Update is run in real time.
  • As of now, only the core serp’s are affected, other products like maps, news, local etc. are not affected.
  • It is more significant than panda & penguin and is expected to affect 11% of the search results that a lot more than panda and penguin.
  • Relevancy remains the top factor for ranking. i.e. brand queries are not affected much
  • Mobile website loading time is not considered to affect rankings for now.
  • Google Confirms the mobile friendly update is live, but not on all data centers.
  • Considering that it is a real-time update even if your rankings are affected they are expected to recover as soon as google caches the changes made on your website.

Note: Some Mobile SERP changes can heavily affect your organic CTR- you can learn more about it in our another post Google SERP’s Start Reflecting the Mobilegeddon Update

Google Declared: In just the two months since we announced this change, we’ve seen a 4.7 percentage point uptick in the proportion of sites that are mobile friendly, and we hope to see even more in the coming months.


The Mobilegeddon Effect:

A lot of people have been tracking the effect of mobile friendly update after rollout and it does not seem to be very aggressive. Though, we cannot say when one could see a major shift in the mobile SERP’s as well as their mobile website rankings.

Dr.Pete from Moz has been analyzing the update and its outcomes, his analysis shows that even if Google declared the date 21st April for the update, the actual big day was 22nd April. On this day the number of websites with “mobile friendly” label jumped up to 72.3% and has been showing a slow gradual improvement since then.

Google Mobile Friendly Update Statistics

Marcus Tober, SearchMetrics has been analyzing the early losers and gainer when the update rolled out. It should be noted that many websites mentioned in the list may have been updated to a mobile friendly version now. You can do a little analysis yourself and yes, don’t forget to let us know!


Mobile Friendly Update Top Losers:

The ratio of Mobile Rankings vs. Desktop Rankings has been taken into account so as to measure the difference in performance for mobile & desktop rankings. The lower the ratio, the worse is this domain ranking in Mobile compared to Desktop.


Domain Mobile SEO Visibility actual loss in % Ratio Mobile vs Desktop
reddit.com 874108 -27% -36%
nbcsports.com 139213 -28% -40%
songlyrics.com 111042 -26% -47%
youngmoney.com 10602 -76% -77%
fool.com 78599 -27% -49%
isitdownrightnow.com 83067 -25% -49%
tested.com 3243 -89% -18%
sidereel.com 88851 -22% -44%
census.gov 71234 -23% -53%
onlinecreditcenter2.com 33026 -38% -39%
odir.us 75586 -21% -15%
boxofficemojo.com 39951 -33% -64%
schoolloop.com 50046 -27% -50%
interviewmagazine.com 42280 -31% -32%
locatetv.com 65460 -21% -53%
fnfismd.com 54730 -23% -30%
etymonline.com 25169 -39% -77%
reviewjournal.com 22769 -41% -40%
thinkexist.com 15514 -49% -68%
sciencedaily.com 45017 -23% -45%
majorgeeks.com 40374 -24% -53%
movie25.ag 16324 -44% -43%
thefind.com 2448 -84% -49%
megashare.sc 48082 -20% -64%
walmartstores.com 27157 -31% -31%
thefiscaltimes.com 4940 -71% -81%
brassring.com 38315 -24% -46%
google.es 5830 -67% -26%
epguides.com 32037 -27% -53%
krebsonsecurity.com 10451 -52% -42%
sheppardsoftware.com 39140 -22% -55%
upworthy.com 17146 -38% -26%
jobs.net 34174 -23% -31%
apples4theteacher.com 30268 -25% -34%
mmo-champion.com 2948 -78% -77%
webcrawler.com 36291 -21% -36%
moreofit.com 35610 -21% -46%
hid.im 14776 -40% -43%
webs.com 9237 -51% -54%
ft.com 27984 -25% -42%
paroles-musique.com 15220 -37% -62%
jcpportraits.com 14936 -37% -32%
lottostrategies.co 2717 -76% -63%
searchbug.com 8885 -49% -17%
usps.gov 33186 -20% -25%
ondvdreleases.com 4058 -68% -17%
barchart.com 10435 -44% -55%
genealogybank.com 26451 -24% -53%
sketchup.com 18633 -30% -19%
zeropaid.com 2550 -76% -74%
edx.org 13439 -37% -30%


Mobile Friendly Update Top Gainers:

Here too, we have the Ratio Mobile vs Desktop. The higher the ratio the better are the domain rankings in Mobile than in Desktop.


Domain Mobile SEO Visibility actual gain in % Ratio Mobile vs Desktop
tvtropes.org 290528 420% 23%
foreignaffairs.com 153528 771% 37%
gq.com 178364 67% 19%
w3snoop.com 104573 91% 108%
knowyourmeme.com 153154 32% 13%
bandcamp.com 272302 13% 12%
fbschedules.com 133754 31% 11%
washingtontimes.com 173354 21% 12%
ipaddress.com 89830 51% 71%
imgur.com 118307 32% 24%
free-tv-video-online.info 71972 65% 38%
quora.com 251746 13% 28%
lyricsmania.com 229221 14% 12%
foreignpolicy.com 56583 83% 18%
wtvr.com 43562 124% 67%
sports-reference.com 58155 65% 10%
refinery29.com 100977 29% 19%
macmillandictionary.com 150033 17% 12%
hitfix.com 75004 42% 28%
zacks.com 87375 33% 14%
motherjones.com 200106 12% 14%
dslreports.com 82131 32% 28%
allposters.com 67786 39% 11%
rt.com 89352 26% 10%
easycounter.com 38134 87% 15%
change.org 89739 23% 11%
newrepublic.com 129003 15% 15%
boostmobile.com 54172 40% 11%
stream-tv1.net 18126 548% 151%
newsweek.com 110915 16% 17%
iconosquare.com 93694 19% 31%
watch-series-tv.to 65776 28% 13%
websta.me 112232 14% 23%
800-numbers.net 76397 22% 23%
hypestat.com 30643 81% 172%
pcgamer.com 77815 21% 24%
nybooks.com 95426 16% 20%
advanceautoparts.com 90342 17% 25%
radio.com 53584 32% 11%
newmexicocriminallaw.com 13363 4012% 30%
mp3skull.to 35886 56% 143%
religionfacts.com 24257 107% 24%
thinkprogress.org 64598 22% 20%
wikimedia.org 92805 15% 28%
microcenter.com 41385 39% 13%
kochdavis.com 14444 408% 181%
mixcloud.com 32295 56% 89%
topix.com 114888 11% 12%
fox2now.com 35422 42% 23%
kcci.com 24271 75% 64%
grist.org 20662 100% 30%
stemfireandems.com 10752 2072% 49%
shazam.com 30850 45% 103%
eurogamer.net 45327 26% 49%

So, these were the early losers and gainers for the mobilegeddon. We can assume that 2015 is the year of mobile updates and the web is going to evolve again after panda and penguin. Below we have put in some suggestion for a better mobile friendly website.


Changes other than rankings:

Its not only the rankings that are changing, Google is also changing the way SERP’s are shown on mobile. The changes are not limited to design, google also announced that mobile url will consist of breadcrumbs and they maybe dropping domain in the mobile results. We have noticed the shift for breadcrumbs:


Finally! The takeaways:

If you are new to all this, we understand its a bit tough to get all this into our heads properly. So, to help you overcome this dilemma of yours we have mentioned below some suggestions which you can follow:

Keep the headlines short and specific- You can ask yourself, how will this title look on twitter?

Use Clean URL’s– Google has started to roll-out breadcrumbs for mobile results, in this case you would like to have your breadcrumbs properly structured.

Schema Structure– Update your website with the schema structure, it can help improve relevancy, navigation and generate more engagement. Moreover the search engines love them 🙂

Keep your paragraphs short– Your will not love to read a lot of lengthy content on smaller screens. So keep it concise, specific and properly distributed.

Clear Call-to-actions– Keep the call to action distinct and easy to identify. Ensure that a conversion can be easily made by your mobile audience.

Optimize you content– Having short content is not enough, optimize it for higher relevancy. You can consider writing short meta that stand out, proper integration of important keywords in content, SEO friendly headlines, alt text for the images, etc.

We should not forget that google also has many other ranking signals other than mobile-friendly websites. The non-mobile friendly websites will not disappear from the SERP’s and may rank higher if their content provides a greater value to the user.

To keep winning we suggest you to focus on what your user needs. Understand the search engine updates and keeping them in mind try to align your website with your business and audience.


The Google Mobile Friendly Update aka mobilegeddon has begun. Google did declare the data 21st April for the update roll-out, but the overall feedback stands low as per various analysis by different people of the industry. But, we cannot say when google starts the game, i think, the update maybe bigger than most have expected it to be. For now, we stand the test of time, we will only know the real data & stats once everything settles down.

Need help? Feel free to Get in touch!

Rahul Astik

Post author

Founder of SearchMantra a Creative Digital & Social Media Agency as well as a proficient digital strategist possessing profound skills in online marketing, design, UI and UX and years of versatile experience has helped him provide business consulting to various small and large business across the globe.

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  1. Posted by 7 Days After Mobilegeddon– Everything you... Reply

    […] So here we are, again dancing on the Google tunes and making web a better place! Many have just recovered from the wrath of Google Panda and Penguin and it seems the era of Mobilegeddon has begun. As per the declaration by google it started the roll-out on 21st April 2015.  […]

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